If you haven’t already begun to think about gardening, now is the time! Pruning is a very important step in maintaining the health and shape of your plants, and encouraging growth, aeration, and fruit/flowers.

Visit our Growing Tips page for general information on pruning shrubs and evergreens (including direction on when to prune different plants).

Right now (spring) is a great time to prune your roses. Here are some important tips and steps to consider for spring pruning of roses:

Pruning Roses

  • Before you begin to prune your rose bush, make sure you have a sharp pair of hand sheers.
  • First cut away any dead wood and remove any canes that are broken or damaged. Make your cuts at a 45 degree angle, and about 1/4 inch above a bud that is facing towards the outside of the plant.
  • It is also important to get rid of suckers that are growing from the ground.
  • Floribundas, hybrid teas, and grandifloras bloom on new growth, so it is important to prune them back to 1/2 to 2/3 the plant’s height. Remove interior canes to promote good air circulation.
  • For climbing roses, prune to remove winter damage and dead wood.